Sorta normal, sorta not

April 30, 2009

It’s not normal to see pictures of my son and his family in facemasks…but as per normal I think they are a handsome family.

I walked the dogs this morning and aside from there being fewer people around, it seemed pretty normal.  All the restaurants on the malecon were open and occupied as usual.

Paul went to the mercado for me and when he walked in he thought they had widened the aisles.  Turns out they just appeared wider since there were no pesky people making purchases.  That’s an alarming thing to hear, as this is the main city mercado, almost empty!

In the comments section of my last post Danny Jacks mentioned an LA Times article that will give some non-alarmist perspective on the flu crisis – it is linked above.  Thanks, Danny.

I thought you might also be interested in something from my website statistics.  Usually people find this blog by  Googling a variety of terms – retire, boomer, México, Mazatlán, etc. etc.  Take a look at the top ten search terms people are using to find my blog now.


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More about Nancy

I'm Nancy, a US expat living in San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco after 11 years in Mazatlán, México.

    1. I just checked my analytics and no one has found my blog by searching for flu. A lot of people seem to be interested in the Allbrook Mall in Panama City. I guess it’s because I haven’t written the word even one time on my blog? That’s probably how it works.
      I’m glad you are doing well.

    1. What a cute family… even in masks. I hope they are having a good trip. I love that article in the LA times. I am going to link to it as well. It is nice when things get put in a little perspective.

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