the good, the bad, and the feo

October 17, 2009

The dress for Consuelo

The good:

  • Paul has come through his two weeks of the dengue unscathed.  He slept the clock around a couple of days, then mostly slept the clock around, then became well enough to only sleep half the day, and when we finally knew he was on the mend he was sleeping normally.  He lost his appetite completely for about 10 days, and thanks to the Dengue Diet he lost 8 pounds.  To all of our readers looking to lose a few pounds, the Dengue Diet is Not Recommended!  We understand it can be another two weeks before he feels 100% but it is wonderful to know his fuzzy head and body aches and fever are a thing of the past.

  • One good thing about Paul being sick was that I stayed home and finished up the dress I had been making for Consuelo.  Of course now I’m worried that it will be too small for her since I took so long to make it, but I have my fingers crossed.  Then I started a beautiful charted lace scarf for myself.  I sit and listen to audio books while I knit – right now I am listening to Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger, the author of The Time Traveler’s Wife.



Photo courtesy NOAA

  • There was an incident in the Zona Dorada here yesterday that is pretty complicated to report, but some sicarios (you can figure it out) were in the process or about to be apprehended by police in a house next to a school in the Lomas  neighborhood.  A teacher saw a sicario on the roof with a gun, alerted administration, the army came and evacuated all the children.  All in all two sicarios were dead, seven apprehended, and aside from the trauma of evacuation, no civilian casualties.  Noroeste has a story about it if you care to read.  
  • There is also a hurricane on the way, Hurricane Rick.  Most storms come up the coast and veer out to sea when they reach the tip of Baja.  Not this one, it is expected to turn towards land.  Right now it is a category 4 and it is expected to become stronger.  We are a little nervous, but hopefully we have some time as it isn’t expected to get here until Wednesday or Thursday. (Mazatlán is just about where the “u” is where it says “5 am Thu.”)



Photo Noroeste – Robert-Ito
Ayuntamiento  – Comisión

The feo (ugly):

  • Red painted dots and dashes appeared on the sidewalks in Centro.  We wondered what they were about, and then we heard that the city of Mazatlán is considering a plan for installing parking meters in Centro.  A petition came around against the plan, which of course I signed.  The newspaper has been discussing it for the last few days and it seems like 1) some stores downtown would like meters because people stay parked in front all day; 2) non-Centro residents are indifferent or glad for the city to get additional revenue; 3) most Centro historico houses don’t have garages (or like ours, you can only get out if no one is parked nearby) and the historic center doesn’t allow changes to the house facades even for those who would like to incorporate a garage into their home.  My guess is that the whole thing will fizzle, at least I hope so.  The cartoon above is from the Noroeste’s cartoonist, Robert-Ito.  I think you can guess what it is insinuating.

By the way, if you are wondering why I didn’t use The Ugly on the end of this post title, search terms are funny things…I would end up getting lots of traffic to the blog from people looking for a movie!


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More about Nancy

I'm Nancy, a US expat living in San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco after 11 years in Mazatlán, México.

    1. so happy Paul is better and only for a moment did I consider the fever diet. adorable dress!

    1. Wow! Lots going on. I sure hope you don’t get that hurricane but I bet you get the effects of it. Good luck. Email me if you want any advice. I’ve lived through 5 of them!

    1. That dress is for a small person – but I like small people

      I hope Rick is easy on the whole coast and just brings much needed rain. It is a big one but off shore now

      Parking meters … trying anything to bring organization to Mexico I guess. Revenue as well I suppose but meters full of coin are going to be tempting. Tow Truck business is going to boom

      1. Jillian, Yes, it is great Paul is better… don’t even think about the Dengue Diet. It really isn’t worth it!

        IslaGringo, The hurricane has been upgraded to a Category 5 so I may be emailing you for advice. Please don’t tell me I have to eat Spam, that’s all I ask!

        Sparks, Yes, the dress is for Consuelo, my 9 month old nieta. Hopefully it will fit her. Rick is scaring me a bit but I am trying to keep calm. I don’t believe the parking meters will happen, or maybe I am just hoping? Our car spends a lot of its time on the street since I have NEVER had the nerve to put it in or out of the garage. So if I have any use for it it stays outside…

    1. Re the dress, think how cute it would be as a top over some little tights, so either way, it is a winner.

      Different news reports about Rick…some say it will fizzle long before it reaches land and then we will only see some “droppage” and maybe a bit of wind. Weather related issues can change so drastically, so I wouldn’t go out and buy cans of Spam just yet. Remember, you always have your beans……. and cauliflower and broccoli lasts a long time. “-)

    1. The dress is beautiful and really well done! Your stitches are perfectly even!!! Glad to hear Paul is on the mend too.

    1. The dress is very pretty! I like the ridges along the top and along the bottom.

      Glad to hear that Paul is nearly over dengue fever – it sounds like a horrible illness to experience, and one to be glad he lived through.

      Hopefully the cyclone / hurricane will just skirt you by, but it looks like you are going to get a weather check of the seals on those new windows. Good luck, but make sure you have canned food, bottled water, rain gear & all your medicines in watertight containers.

    1. Zoe, Yes, that’s my hope for the dress, sigh. As far as Rick, we are preparing as much as we can and have our fingers crossed that it fizzles out.

      Beth, Thank you! I have always had a pretty even tension in my knitting. And Paul is doing even better today.

      Terry, Thanks, I like the dress, too, but I used size 2 needles so it seemed endless! Funny about the windows, they aren’t actually airtight but it stays dry inside during normal rain. Who knows what a hurricane will push through, though. The one good thing about cement walls and tile floors is you just mop it up when it’s over. I hope that’s the way it would go…

    1. Lovely dress for Consuelo, very Baby Fashionista.

      We thought Rick was headed our way so we got ready this time, bought sandbags even. That’s why it’s changed course. So if you get drenched, you can blame us.

      If you ask me, that parking meter idea is feo enough.

      So sorry to hear Paul went through dengue! I’ve only heard it described by a couple of people and it sounds awful. Please give him a gentle and therapeutic hug for me.

    1. OH, I’m so sorry Paul had dengue. I’ve heard how painful it is, it’s something I’m always a little worried about. Glad he is doing better.

      Good luck with Rick, let’s hope he veers off, the west coast has had a tough hurricane season.

      Your talent is awesome, that dress is adorable. We want to see pics of her wearing it. She’ll need it soon in DF, I think that winter is really coming. We actually got below 90f today for the first time in months. I had to go up and take a hot shower and put on my flannels 🙂 It’s great sleeping though.

    1. 1st Mate, I guess Rick has weakened a bit so don’t worry about your sending him our way. Paul is enjoying all the hugs people are sending… and so am I.

      Jonna, I am really hoping that Rick fizzles. After you did your hurricane curtain things in Akumal we talked about doing them for the three exposed windows upstairs…but of course we didn’t and now wish we had.

      Thanks to you both for the compliment on the dress. One of the reasons I liked the pattern was it can be a shirt as she gets taller! I fex ex’d it to Adam who is in Seattle on business, she will be wearing it by the weekend I hope.

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