What’s Going On In Mazatlán?

April 4, 2012

It is Semana Santa here in Mazatlán.  The paper says they expect the hotels to be at 100% occupancy starting today.  So far – during the day, anyway – it has been pretty relaxed and not too packed at the beaches and the traffic is still more or less normal.  I expect that to change, though! The picture at the top of the post is from yesterday – I took a bike ride and liked how the lifeguards, Marina, and Police are all sheltering under a palapa.


I hope that all of you read M! Magazine. If you are in town you can pick up a copy many places, especially in Centro, or if you aren’t just read it online.  The picture above is a snapshot of the home page, click it and you’ll go to the M! website.  I hope you’ll read my article on Oaxaca – and also the rest of the issue!  By the way, there are links to all the Mazatlán news and information sites on the @Maz page in the top menu bar.


You’ll all be happy to know how well things are going with the new El Recreo space!  Mazatlán Film and Theater held an open house there on March 23, where people were able to see the space and get a tour.  Everyone was thrilled, and fundraising is off to a good start.  The picture above is the theater space – before, of course! So far we have had a fair bit of electrical work done and are making good progress sourcing seats and equipment.  It’s amazing how fast things are moving.  A group will be there this Friday during Art Walk to show people around who weren’t able to come in March.


The biggest news in my world, though, is that Paul has now re-retired.  He had been working part time for the last few years and it just felt like the right time for him to give his notice and actually enjoy all day however he chooses!  I am so happy, this was the right choice at the right time.  The picture above is him having a celebratory martini on his last day of work last Friday!  Doesn’t he look jubilado?

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More about Nancy

I'm Nancy, a US expat living in San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco after 11 years in Mazatlán, México.

    1. Way to go Paul!! Congratulations!! Now we get to see more of you come November!!

    1. I think Paul ALWAYS looks jubilado…figure it is a result of the combination of being married to you, Nancy, and living in Mazatlan. Good for y’all.

    1. Oh,Oh, now he will have more time to get in the way of you doing your choirs….Congrats to Paul, we’ll see how long that lasts without him taking on something to occupy at least a minute or two a day…..

      1. Hey all, I think Paul will keep busy – and I am actually looking forward to his getting in my way a bit more! He has been working at Luna one afternoon a week already and I know he is looking forward to spending more time volunteering with the new El Recreo and Mazatlan Film & Theater, too. We are enjoying longer walks together, too – something that had fallen by the wayside as work took over more of his time. Life is good!

    1. Walks are good, the dogs will be very happy.

      For certain next Easter we are there. If you have photo to send of Semena Santa for me to use for a blog, please send it over, I will give you a credit.

      Did you make any money on my using you Amazon link….hey folks please do use it, costs you nada but helps out with Nancy’s web costs.

      Also so very very sorry I missed the knotting event, I even had my project all ready to go but that day we ended up with 3 repair people about and no free time…had breakfast at 4PM. Seems as it got closer to leaving the Isla our person clock started speeding up, just getting us ready to work……once again Paul…way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Guess what I have 2 more couple coming to Mazatlan for next winter for 5 months each!! Blogging is great!

    1. So many spelling errors and all blamed on my left eye floater but I think you all know what I am saying, eh!!!

    1. Congratulations Paul! I am envious every time I read Nancy’s entries – now I will be envious of you as well as you enjoy those endless days of summer in Mazatlan.

      1. Terry, No need to be jealous, just come on down!

        Contessa, I am about to do a post on Semana Santa right now, feel free to swipe any pics if you like. I don’t know what happened, but there was nothing showing during that time period from Amazon. It had worked before so I have no idea what happened. Bummer. We would have loved to have had you at the knit in public, it was fun.

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