Transitions. We used to be all about planning our move. Then making the move. Then I wrote about everything foreign and strange. That was then…now I blog about our ordinary life, but our ordinary life in Mexico. And it’s a good life.
Life has been all about the little things, lately.
We’re back in Spanish class. Another couple we know is pretty well matched with us skills-wise, so we now have a four person class twice a week. It is going great.
The blog continues to evolve. Up at the top are links to pages with Mexico resources/links, Photos, Videos, and Books. I might even add a page for knitting stuff to keep it out of the main blog area. What do you think?
The backyard remodel continues. Once it gets cleaned up a bit I’ll do another post, but I add pictures frequently to the Photos page at the top so if you’d like to see what’s going on, check it out.
We bought a set of Mexican Train dominoes at a garage sale a couple of weeks ago. Both Paul and I love to play dominoes so we were excited about giving it a try. Friends came over this week and we played for a couple of hours…it was fun, but will probably become more fun when we remember the rules a bit better.
Son Adam and daughter-in-law Martha are coming for a visit in the middle of the month. We are really excited to see them, especially with Martha expecting their daughter in a few months.
Son Phil and his family are coming in November for a few days on their way to a wedding in Colima. I’m a happy lady about all these visits.
I bought a sewing machine. I have a few shell type tank tops I like and I plan on cloning them. But right now I am obsessed with knitting. I finished the baby hat and then was surprised with a package from Crochet, a yarn store in Mexico City, courtesy of my son and daughter in law. (Knitters, see my note at the bottom of the post) They bought yarn for the baby blanket, some coordinating extras, a couple balls of baby cashmerino and then some beautiful green yarn for ME!
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So then I had to get a plan for the baby blanket. I decided to make a basketweave pattern like the sweater in the book below. And then Wayne wanted me to model the sweater I made myself. It was hot and I look pretty bedraggled but I think when the weather cools here I’ll wear it quite a bit.
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Knitters: Crochet carries Debbie Bliss, Lion Brand Yarns, Mondial, Gedifra, Balú, Linte 209, Classic Yarns, Wave, Andina, Jaeger Natural Fleece, Rowan, and Louisa Harding. The manager is Maritza Morell Martinez and her email is mmorell406<at>
October 3, 2008Nancy, that sweater is totally fabaroonie! Maybe I will let you teach me how to knit 😉 And that basket weave is really cool. The blanket is going to be neat.
P.S. I don’t think you should move the knitting stuff off the main pages. And tell us when you add stuff to the books and pictures pages.
Steve Cotton
October 3, 2008Yu appear to have developed a very comfortable rhythm in Mazatlan. I cannot tell you how reassuring that is. I have no apparent angst in movig south. It is just nice to see that the move can work out so well.
Theresa in Mérida
October 3, 2008We play Mexican train dominoes too. When we first started the rules seemed really complicated, like if it’s the 2nd Tuesday take two turns complicated, but now it’s just fun.
I love the way your tank top looks! I found that moving the food related stuff to the food blog meant that I blogged less about cooking, so I think the craft stuff should stay in the main blog, if people aren’t interested they can just skip that part!
October 3, 2008Looking good lady! I see you are growing your own Mary Jane plant there! At least it looks like it! I love WoolEase. Soft, easy to work with and warm but not hot. I have made countless afghans and sweaters out of that stuff!
I don’t think you should not include knitting on this blog. It’s part of your life down here, right? I wonder if that yarn store has a web site and ships??
October 3, 2008Hey Jennifer, I am glad you like my projects! I’d be happy to teach you anytime. it is great to have something to do with your hands when you watch tv. I know the rest of the day your hands are busy on the keyboard.
Steve, You’re right, we are very comfortable here.
Theresa, I guess Mexican train dominoes are quite the rage, Amazon has lots of sets and I found lots of links to celebrities who are into it, etc. So that means we’re hip, right? I’m glad you like the top I knitted, it is really fun being back into knitting again. And I think I agree with you about the blog, although I might just make a page to post photos and patterns and a “what’s on the needles” picture or something. We’ll see. I go to your cooking blog all the time, I’m not sure if I’ve told you how much I like it. Maybe when it gets cooler I’ll cook again, too.
IslaGringo, If you can’t tell bamboo from mary jane I can’t be your friend! Just kidding…I am loving the wool-ease, it should be really practical for the baby and it is nice to work with. And thanks for the comment to keep the knitting on the blog. Oh, and at the bottom of my post there is a link to Crochet’s website – no online catalog or anything but if you have an idea what you want from the lines they carry I’m sure they would help you. The manager has some English, and they shipped directly to me from the store. Let me know if you have any other questions and I’ll ask my son, since he and his wife visited there. His wife is the one who wrote down all the brands they carry for me. A Maz resident gave me the name and email of the manager. We knitters have to stick together!
October 4, 2008I’m going to keep the Crochet link handy but I don’t need it right now. A friend just brought me 3 special order skeins and 3 more friends are bringing me some stuff in November. I’ve found that people don’t mind bringing yarn since it is so lightweight and easy to pack. Take advantage of your friends that way!
P.S. Bamboo. Yeah, right!
October 5, 2008Nancy,
I certainly am not a knitter or crocheter but do like to see what you are up to. That sweater looks great! I am impressed.
October 5, 2008Oh, Nancy, keep the knitting in the blog…it’s proof that knitters are cool. You look beautiful in your tank top. Is your hair much longer now, or is that a trick of photography?
American Mommy in Mexico
October 5, 2008The baby hat is precious!
October 7, 2008Jackie, thanks, I had fun making the sweater and am really rolling on the baby blanket now.
Elliott, I heard overwhelmingly to keep the knitting on the blog, so I will. Thanks for your input. My hair is longer, I haven’t cut it since we’ve been here except for the time Paul trimmed the ends. I didn’t plan on being one of those ladies with the long grey hair but I guess I am!
American Mommy – Thanks, I love the hat, too. It was easy to make and will be well used I think.
October 7, 2008Love the tank! I´ll take one in red, black, green, maroon…..
BTW….looks like we will be in the Ninos Heroes house November 1 at the latest!