

Time for an update

It has been two weeks since my surgery and I am doing very well.  I’ve had lots of good news lately and I am really, truly, feeling very upbeat and positive.  This is mostly due to the pathology reports showing that the cancer hadn’t spread at all.  What a relief! I’ve been staged at 1A, which is about as good as it gets, really. The oncologist here took out my stitches yesterday and gave me the all-clear to get in...

Gonna be a bit quiet here for a bit

I’ve been in the hospital for almost a week.  The Friday before last I had some pain in my pelvic area. It diminished over the weekend but I headed to the doctor on Monday anyway. In short order I had found out I had what appeared to be ovarian cancer. Many lab tests, ultrasounds, x rays, CT scans and more confirmed it. I have a wonderful gyno oncologist and once all the tests were gathered he performedthe surgery on Saturday. That’s...