More project updates! Here’s the cool top on the kiosko at Plazuela Zaragoza! I love it! And see the nice spiral staircase going up to the top? I imagine Danzón on Thursdays will be restarted pretty soon, too.
There is a project to repave around the Plazuela Machado. Everyone was shocked that the city started this job last week, just when our winter tourist season is about to start! And given the slow progress at the other civic projects in Centro, I think most people expected this one to be very slow, too.

I know I showed you the Haas House that was donated to be the new Carnaval Museum. Work has been ongoing there for quite a while, and it seems to be getting somewhat closer to finished. I can’t believe all the changes they were able to get through INAH. The picture below shows a bunch of ducting, all very visible from the street.

This picture is the one that really gets me – some sort of plastic covered area. Not anywhere close to my understanding of how a facade is supposed to not be changed from the original in Centro Historico.

I forgot to take a picture of the paving at the Plaza de los Leones (Plazuela Hidalgo) but a bonus is a picture of some upgrading and painting going on at the Hotel Belmar!

Bob Mrotek
October 20, 2010The kiosko looks crooked like the leaning tower or something. I hope that’s just an illusion 🙂
Leslie Limon
October 20, 2010Very nice kiosko, especially the spiral staircase. 🙂
October 21, 2010Bob, Bob, Bob… Didn’t your mother ever tell you if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything?? (I thought I had corrected the slant in the pic enough, but I guess not…)
Leslie, I am so excited to see how it ends up!
October 21, 2010Hi Nancy,
This is an aside but how about writing a blog in support of the 20 year old woman who just assumed the responsibility of the head of police in one of the border states….cause no one else would. She needs the support of all of Mexico and the US.
Maybe we can start a movement regarding this. And other blogs will write and show support. Perhaps it will take a woman to bring peace and security back to Mexico!
October 21, 2010The Plazuela Zaragoza is really looking great! Where exactly is it located?
October 21, 2010Diane, Nice idea.
Kelly, It is on Zaragoza between Cinco de Mayo and Guillermo Nelson.
Bob Mrotek
October 21, 2010Nancy,
Actually my mother did always say that and I think she just reminded me through you. Thanks for channeling her and please accept my apology although I hope you can believe that I meant no harm.
October 21, 2010Bob, Darn it, you took me seriously! Of course I know you meant no harm!
October 22, 2010Love it, love it, love it! Think John and I will take a picnic lunch next week and absorb the new atmosphere at Zaragoza Park. (if the benches are up that is) OOPS, second time while I have been at the computer, that a baby gecko ran across the desk. I am charmed by the little critters and seeing lots now.
Like the idea of some sort of viral support for the young woman police chief.
October 25, 2010Zoe, most of the benches are in but only about half the tile still!